Legacy Sign Group | Complete Signage Solutions

Milwaukee Blade Signs

Useful Blade Signs in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Draw clients to your locations with professional projecting signs in Milwaukee, WI.

What are Blade Signs in Milwaukee?

Typically, a blade sign (also known as a projecting sign) is seen on an exterior building wall. The side of the sign is fastened to the wall, allowing the sign itself to project away from the building. This means that the sign face is highly visible to traffic passing through the area, attracting customers to your business.

While these signs are most often seen outside, they can also be used indoors as wayfinding signs. They allow your visitors to navigate your facility, finding their exact destinations. This helps your guests avoid confusion and makes them more confident while at your location.

blade signs in milwaukee; projecting signs in milwaukee

Additionally, projecting signs in Milwaukee are highly customizable. They can be used in a variety of settings and locations, and they can be made from many materials. A blade sign can also be crafted with any shape, style, color, illumination, and more. These customized signs will complement your business and attract new clients.

blade signs in lafayette; projecting signs in lafayette

Which Businesses Utilize Projecting Signs in Milwaukee?

All types of companies use blade signs in Milwaukee to denote their locations. From quaint cafes to well-known attorneys, any business can benefit from effective signage.

Here are some places that you can find blade signs in Milwaukee:

  • Downtown storefronts & cafes
  • Shopping centers & strip malls
  • Large event venues
  • Restaurants
  • Professional office suites

These projecting signs can be found outside many  businesses, particularly those along downtown strips or areas with heavy foot traffic. They protrude from the wall, making them clearly visible to anyone passing through. Because of their customizability and unique features, any company can benefit from blade signs.

How Does a Blade Sign Help Grow Your Business?

A projecting sign is Milwaukee will truly stand out. These are designed uniquely for your business so that you can attract customers and generate sales. The benefits are numerous! Here are some of the advantages of your blade sign:

1. Improves Visibility

By mounting these signs perpendicular to the wall, they are incredibly visible to traffic passing through. The image of the sign faces traffic, meaning people can see it without turning away from their direction of travel. Your business will be highly visible, attracting new clients.

2. Increases Traffic

With the improved visibility, you can attract more clients to your business. Since more people are able to see your company, more customers are likely to visit. This directly relates to more sales.

3. Expands Profit Margins

When traffic to your business increases, you will also see a corresponding increase in sales. This means you will expand your profit margin and grow your business. Blade signs in Milwaukee can truly improve your sales.

Ready to improve your visibility and boost your profits? Call Legacy Sign Group today to start designing your unique projecting signs in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Exceptional Business Blade Signage Design & Installation

At Legacy Sign Group, our team has years of experience in every part of the signage process. First, we will work alongside you to create your ideal sign designs. Then, our expert team will fabricate your signs. We utilize only the industry’s finest materials so that your sign will be durable, effective, and attractive.

After we build your sign, we will gather all of the necessary permits and other resources needed for installation. Then, we can finally install your exceptional new blade signs in Milwaukee. We are able to install any sign – from the tallest high rise sign to the smallest wall sign. Our team takes every step to ensure your sign is placed effectively and precisely.

blade signs in crown point; projecting signs in crown point

The Legacy Sign Group team is dedicated to excellence in our craft. We are skilled and dependable, making sure your sign is exactly what you need. Our team handles every step, from design and fabrication to installation and repair services. Call us for the best signage solutions in Milwaukee, WI.

Call Legacy Sign Group for Custom Blade Signs in Milwaukee, WI

Looking to increase your visibility and expand your profit margin? Don’t hesitate – get in touch today! At Legacy Sign Group, we can design, fabricate, and install your new blade signs in Milwaukee with ease! Call us today so that your business can grow tomorrow.

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